Wednesday, June 23, 2010

aise hi....

i realise i haven't written for ages...infact today i hav logged in to blogger after a looong time.

feeling kinda strange....i know when i write it keeps me closer to myself....but still i so try to escape it :D

Well lots happened...changed my job....again!
but for the better this it is always!!

feels good m writing this :)

well yeah the job has been goood to me.....a big task coming on frm nxt week....m stressed...nah over-stressed......

n m losing out on my confidence as it is coming closer..... i have this kinda strange feeling that people are judging me, comparing me to A,B,C and m not at all feeling good abt it.

par kya karen...part of the game i guess....

the heat is getting on me now.......pls barso re megha barso....

electricity running out.....water taps drying out...what ya..... i hate the govt....huh!!!

still strugling with the marriage tiff ...last month had been very tensed on this account....but i luv u ma pa.......thank u ... muuah.....

damn tired n exhausted.......

n oh i forgot to mention.........budday was xcellent this year......a deliciously yummy cake was waiting outside my house at midnight.......received wishes from a lot of people.....could take time out to meet nani......was off to gurgaon to meet R....gosh...she surprises me or rather shocks me all the can somebody be so carefree about spending lumps of money without blinking...and that too parents money???? well i surely deal with this in some post when it gets too much for me to take ....
alrite back home in meet friends was constantly ringing...n i realize i DO NOT wish a lot of people on their b'days n should wish them....i'll try to!

m missing my day....:)(